Fotógrafo de Hotéis Portugal

Por uma ou outra razão, à medida que viajo mais, as distâncias entre uma sessão fotográfica num hotel em Portugal e outra na República Dominicana já não parecem tão longas. Na minha mente, o que muda é apenas o lugar e talvez o cliente. A minha dedicação à arte da fotografia de hotéis não muda. E digo arte porque há de facto algo de artístico no controlo da luz, mas, essencialmente, a fotografia de hotéis tem de ser comercial porque estou a tentar "vender" um espaço de hotel a um potencial cliente noutra parte do mundo. Tanto o departamento de marketing e vendas do hotel como eu queremos vender com as imagens uma possível compra, seja do quarto ou de outro espaço da propriedade. É importantíssimo que as fotos sejam bem iluminadas e esteticamente bem calibradas.

Normalmente, um fotógrafo de hotéis em Portugal (ou na Europa) tende a usar luzes artificiais (flashes) para conseguir recriar a atmosfera que o espaço merece, caso a luz disponível não ofereça o que procuramos. Claro, como todos sabemos, o uso de flashes tem de ser combinado com a luz natural na pós-produção. Isto é imperativo para obter o melhor dos dois mundos. Eu, como fotógrafo de hotéis, tenho de iluminar e planear as minhas fotos sempre a pensar na pós-produção. Tanto assim é que a pessoa que edita e monta as fotos tem de saber como é o meu processo fotográfico. Isto resulta numa entrega mais profissional e rápida ao cliente.

Obviamente, todo o serviço fotográfico tem de estar dentro dos parâmetros das "photo guidelines" da marca, caso existam. Não é o mesmo fotografar para um Marriott, que tem photo guidelines, do que para um hotel que não tem tais requisitos. As photo guidelines fazem parte do brand book da marca e, como tudo dentro destas normas, têm de ser respeitadas. Dentro das photo guidelines, estão, para citar alguns exemplos bem principais e óbvios, o não ter rugas nas camas, almofadas e cortinas. Também nestas guidelines é indicado que se deve esconder ou remover todos os cabos na pós-produção (cabos de lâmpadas, televisores, cortinas, telefones, rádios, etc.). Se um fotógrafo de hotéis mostrar estas coisas nas suas fotos, assume-se que não tem a experiência necessária para cuidar da marca do hotel, o que é também um standard na indústria hoteleira.

Fotografía Hotelera en España y Europa

Fotógrafo de Hoteles Portugal. Por una u otra razón, a medida que viajo más las distancias entre una sesión de fotos en un hotel en Portugal y otra en la República Dominicana ya no parecen tan lejos. En mi mente lo que cambia es únicamente el lugar y tal vez el cliente. Mi dedicación al arte de la fotografía de hoteles no cambia. Y digo arte porque sí hay algo de arte en el control de la luz, pero en esencia, la fotografía de hoteles tiene que ser comercial porque estoy tratando de "vender" un espacio de un hotel a un potencial cliente en otra parte del mundo. Tanto el departamento de mercadeo y ventas del hotel y yo queremos vender con las imágenes una posible compra ya sea de la habitación y de algún otro lugar de la propiedad. Es importantísimo que las fotos salgan bien iluminadas y estéticamente buen calibradas. Por lo normal un fotografo de hoteles en Portugal (o Europa) tiende a usar luces artificiales (flashes) para poder recrear la atmósfera del espacio que este se merece si la luz disponible no ofrece lo que estamos buscando. Claro, como todos sabemos, el uso de los flashes tienen que estar combinado con la luz natural en post-producción. Esto es imperativo para tener como resultado lo mejor de los dos mundos. Yo, como fotografo de hoteles, tengo que iluminar y programar mis fotos pensando siempre en la post-producción. Tanto así que la persona que edita y que monta las fotos tiene que saber como es mi proceso fotográfico. Esto resulta en una entrega más profesional y rápida al cliente. Obviamente, todo el servicio fotográfico tiene que estar dentro de los parámetros de los "photo guidelines" de la marca si esta los tiene. No es lo mismo fotografiar para un Marriott que sí tienes photo guidelines que para un hotel que no tenga tal requisitos. Los photo guidelines forman parte del brand book de la marca y como todo dentro de estas normas se tiene que respetar. Dentro de los photos guidelines están, por citar unos ejemplos bien principales y obvios, el no tener en las camas, almohadas y cortinas, arrugas. También en estos guidelines se indica que hay que esconder todo cable o quitarlo en post-producción (cables de las lámpadas, Televisores, cortinas, teléfonos, radios, etc.). Si un fotógrafo de hoteles muestra estas cosas en sus fotos, pues se asume que no tiene la experiencia necesaria para cuidar la marca del hotel que ademas es un standard en la industria hotelera.

Thiago da Cunha Fotógrafo Aprobado por Hyatt

Soy aprobado por varias marcas de Marriott y de Hilton. Pero Hyatt fue muy diferente. Me pidieron fotografiar una habitación de muestra en Santo Domingo para su nuevo hotel de ciudad, el Hyatt Centric Santo Domingo. Después de entregar las imágenes, estaba tan ocupado que me olvidé por completo de esa sesión de fotos.

Pasaron meses y, simplemente por pensar que podría valer la pena intentarlo, envié un correo a mi contacto en el hotel y le pregunté si sabía con quién contactar para la lista de fotógrafos aprobados. Y efectivamente, me puso en contacto con la persona correcta, quien me pidió ver mi sitio web y algunas imágenes de propiedades de Hyatt que había fotografiado. Después de enviarles esas imágenes, recibí un correo electrónico con algunas preguntas generales. Y eso fue todo. El siguiente correo me felicitaba por estar oficialmente en la lista de fotógrafos aprobados por Hyatt. ¡Ahora es oficial! En mi primer intento, encontré lo que buscaba.

Ojalá las demás marcas puedan tener este proceso organizado, profesional y oficial como lo tiene Hyatt para sus fotógrafos aprobados.

Aquí algunas muestras de fotos que he realizado para propiedades de Hyatt:

Hyatt Dreams Macao Beach Punta Cana

Fotografo di Hotel Spagna, Portogallo e Italia.

Mi è stato chiesto più volte di fare foto non solo dell'hotel che sto fotografando, ma anche dei suoi dintorni. Questo è di grande aiuto, poiché il potenziale cliente ha la possibilità di vedere, in un'unica visualizzazione (sul sito web), anche le aree e i luoghi di grande interesse vicino all'hotel. Se ci sono più cose da vedere, è possibile che il soggiorno si prolunghi. Invece di fermarsi per circa 3 giorni, potrebbe facilmente rimanere per 5 giorni, generando così maggiori entrate per l'hotel dove intende soggiornare. Lo so perché mi è già successo.

L'hotel ha l'opzione di inserire sul proprio sito web foto degli spazi interni oppure, magari, foto che mostrano l'esperienza del cliente all'interno della struttura (foto lifestyle). Ma è anche molto utile inserire foto delle attrazioni vicine all'hotel, particolarmente se l'hotel ha una connessione diretta con queste ultime e può fornire informazioni e servizi.

Ad esempio, se l'hotel si trova nella zona della Toscana, presentare foto di paesaggi o vigneti sarebbe visivamente attraente per il potenziale cliente che sta visualizzando la pagina. Naturalmente, entrambe le foto, sia quelle dell'hotel stesso che quelle dei paesaggi, devono avere una certa qualità (fatte da un professionista) e non scattate con un cellulare. Credetemi, avere foto non professionali svaluta l'hotel e non fa affatto una buona impressione (sul sito dell'hotel).

Ecco alcune foto di hotel e dei loro dintorni. Le foto dei dintorni dell'hotel possono includere spiagge, panorami, paesi, ecc. Questo rende molto più attraente il soggiorno in hotel.

Fotógrafo de Hotéis Espanha, Portugal e Itália.

Várias vezes me pediram para fazer fotografias não só do hotel que estou a fotografar, mas também dos seus arredores. Isto é de grande ajuda, pois o possível cliente tem, numa só visualização (página web), a oportunidade de ver também zonas e locais de grande interesse próximos ao hotel. Se houver mais coisas para ver, é possível que a sua estadia se prolongue. Em vez de ficar apenas 3 dias, facilmente poderia ficar 5 dias, gerando assim mais lucro para o hotel onde planeia hospedar-se. Sei isto porque já me aconteceu.

O hotel tem a opção de colocar fotos no seu site dos seus espaços ou, talvez, fotos que mostram a experiência do cliente dentro da propriedade (fotos lifestyle). Mas também é de grande ajuda colocar fotos das atrações próximas ao hotel, particularmente se o hotel tiver uma ligação direta com as mesmas e puder fornecer informações e serviços.

Por exemplo, se o hotel estiver na zona da Toscana, apresentar fotos de paisagens ou vinhedos seria visualmente atraente para o possível cliente que está a ver a página. Claro, ambas as fotos, tanto as do hotel em si como as das paisagens, devem ter certa qualidade (feitas por um profissional) e não com um telemóvel. Acredite, ter fotos não profissionais desvaloriza o hotel e não fica nada bem (na página do hotel).

Aqui estão algumas fotos de hotéis e dos seus arredores. As fotos dos arredores do hotel podem incluir praias, vistas, aldeias, etc. Isto torna a estadia no hotel muito mais atraente.

Fotógrafo de Hoteles España, Portugal e Italia (Europa)

Varias veces me han pedido que haga fotos no solo del hotel que estoy fotografiando, sino también de sus alrededores. Esto es de mucha ayuda, ya que el posible cliente tiene en una sola visualización (página web) la posibilidad de ver también zonas y lugares de gran interés cercanos al hotel. Si hay más cosas que ver, es posible que su estadía se extienda. En lugar de quedarse unos 3 días, fácilmente podría quedarse unos 5 días, generando así más ganancias para el hotel en donde planea hospedarse. Esto lo sé porque me ha pasado a mí.

El hotel tiene la opción de poner fotos en su sitio web de sus espacios o, tal vez, fotos desde el punto de vista del cliente en cuanto a su experiencia dentro de la propiedad (fotos lifestyle). Pero también es de gran ayuda poner fotos de atracciones cercanas al hotel, particularmente si el hotel tiene una conexión directa con las mismas y puede proponer información y el servicio.

Por ejemplo, si el hotel está en la zona de la Toscana, presentar fotos de paisajes o viñedos sería visualmente atractivo para el posible cliente que esté mirando la página. Claro, ambas fotos, tanto las del hotel en sí como las de los paisajes, deben tener cierta calidad (hechas por un profesional) y no con un celular. Tener fotos no profesionales, créame, abarata al hotel y no se ve bien en absoluto (en la página del hotel).

Aquí algunas fotos de hoteles y sus alrededores. Las fotos de los alrededores del hotel pueden ser de playa, vistas, pueblos, etc. Esto hace mucho más atractiva la estadía en el hotel.

Esta es la entrada al hotel en Roma Degli Artisti.
Aquí unas de las habitaciones del hotel Degli Artisti que fotografie en Roma.
Foto de vista Toscana.

The Student Hotel Eindhoven

The Film Eye Museum, Amsterdam
This is the amazing architecture of the MAAT Museum in Lisbon, Portugal.
A man having a run late afternoon with the 25 de Abril bridge on the background.

Thiago da Cunha Hyatt-Approved Photographer

Becoming a Hyatt-approved photographer came as a total surprise. I have photographed so many brands for so many years that I thought I didn’t even need to be on a brand-approved list as a photographer. Although I am approved to photograph other brands (Hilton, Marriott), I have never received a formal email or any notification (of any kind) from them. I know I am approved because I receive emails asking me to do brand immersions for certain lines of that same name. For these, I receive that brand’s photo guidelines and a 1-hour video call explaining me the do’s and don’ts for that specific brand. 

But Hyatt was very different. I was asked by them to photograph a sample room in Santo Domingo for their new city hotel Hyatt Centric Santo Domingo. After delivering the images, I was so busy that I completely forgot about that photoshoot. Months went by and I, out of nothing but knowing it might be worth a try,  emailed my contact at the hotel and asked if she knew who to contact for the approved photographer list. Sure enough, she put me in contact with the correct person who asked to see my website and some images of Hyatt properties I had shot. After sending those in, I received an email with some general questions. And that was it. The next email congratulated me for being officially on the Hyatt-approved photographer list! Now that’s official! On my very first try, I found what I was looking for. 

Here are some samples of photos I have taken for Hyatt properties:

Fotografía de Hoteles República Dominicana con Talentos/Modelos

Es importante para el mercadeo visual de una marca hotelera usar fotos y videos con talentos. Las fotos y videos son esenciales porque atraen, inspiran confianza, diferencian e influyen en las decisiones al momento de hacer reservas. Aquí algunas muestras de trabajos de fotos y videos lifestyle que he realizado para diferentes hoteles y resorts con talentos.

Las fotos y videos de hoteles con talentos producen un impacto visual donde el los posibles huéspedes se ven realizando las mismas acciones en las instalaciones del hotel o resort.

Exploring the Colors of Punta Cana

The Dominican Republic's eastern coast is home to the tropical paradise of Punta Cana, which offers a kaleidoscope of hues that captivate the senses and produce life-changing experiences. Punta Cana creates a vibrant picture for every tourist, from the brilliant blue of the immaculate beaches to the passionate crimson of love and romance and the calming green of well-being. Join us as we take you on a tour of the magical location's kaleidoscope of hues.

  1. Blue: The Arms of the Ocean The first color that hits you as soon as you set foot on Punta Cana's sandy shoreline is an infinite stretch of vivid blue. The Caribbean Sea's crystal-clear waves beckon you to plunge into their reviving embrace. The azure tones convey a sense of tranquility and serenity whether you're snorkeling among vibrant coral reefs, swimming with tropical fish, or just strolling down the shoreline. You can't help but be in awe of nature's beauty as you listen to the ocean's rhythmic pounding against the shoreline.

  2. White: Punta Cana is painted on a blank canvas by powdered white sands that extend as far as the eye can see. This idyllic setting is ideal for unwinding and enjoying the sun. You'll feel the warmth of the Caribbean sun on your skin as the sand tickles your toes while you soak up the rays. You are invited to relax and take in the beauty of the moment by the ideal harmony created by the sharp contrast of the white sand against the intensely blue water.

  3. Red: Red represents love and romance in Punta Cana. Couples find themselves immersed in a world of burning love, with magnificent resorts offering hidden retreats and breathtaking panoramas. Red sunsets, which paint the sky in a flaming glow and reflect off the calm seas, create moments that ignite eternal love and connection.

  4. Green: The Abundance of Nature Punta Cana's lush landscapes are adorned with the vibrant greens of flourishing vegetation. From swaying palm trees to verdant jungles, the color green symbolizes a sense of well-being and vitality. Immerse yourself in the natural wonders of the region, exploring ecological parks, embarking on hiking trails, or discovering hidden waterfalls. The vibrant green canopy above and the earthy tones below provide a refreshing respite from the outside world, allowing you to reconnect with nature and rejuvenate your spirit.

  5. Yellow: The Sun's Golden Kiss In Punta Cana, the color yellow radiates joy and warmth, mirroring the sun's benevolent embrace. With an abundance of sunshine throughout the year, the golden rays breathe life into every corner. Days filled with activities like snorkeling, golfing, or sailing under a clear blue sky are complemented by the sun's radiant energy. From sunrise to sunset, the hues of yellow paint a vivid backdrop for your adventures, infusing your experiences with contagious optimism. All photos by hotel photographer Thiago da Cunha

Conclusion: Punta Cana, a tropical paradise adorned with a vibrant palette, offers a kaleidoscope of colors that leave an indelible mark on every visitor. From the tranquil blues of the ocean to the passionate reds of love and romance, and the soothing greens of well-being, each hue weaves a unique story. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or a romantic getaway, Punta Cana's vivid colors, and breathtaking landscapes will transport you to a world where paradise becomes a reality. Embark on your journey and let the vibrant hues of Punta Cana mesmerize your senses and create memories that will last a lifetime.

The Importance of Having the Right Retoucher for Hotel Photography Imagery

Hotel photography is an essential aspect of the hospitality industry. The images captured by photographers help potential guests make informed decisions about which hotel to book. It is important to have high-quality images that accurately depict the hotel's features, amenities, and rooms. However, achieving this level of quality is often a challenge, especially when it comes to retouching.

Retouching hotel photography imagery is different from other types of photo retouching because it involves fixing specific problems that are unique to hotel photography. Unlike traditional portrait or landscape photography, hotel photography has to deal with wrinkles in beds and pillows, reflections on windows, dirty floors, ceilings, walls, and tables, and many other issues. Professional retouching starts on location and not while using photoshop, and it's essential to have the right retoucher to ensure that the final images accurately reflect the hotel's true beauty.

One of the most critical aspects of hotel photography is ensuring that the beds and pillows look crisp and clean. A bed is one of the most significant items in a hotel room, and it's essential that it looks comfortable and inviting. Unfortunately, it's challenging to keep beds wrinkle-free, especially during a photoshoot. A skilled retoucher can smooth out wrinkles and make the bed look as if it's freshly made.

Another common issue in hotel photography is reflections on windows. Windows can reflect the surroundings, causing distracting reflections in the final images. A skilled retoucher can remove these reflections and make the windows look clean and clear. This will not only make the final images look better but also allow potential guests to get a clear view of the hotel's surroundings.

Dirty floors, ceilings, walls, and tables are also common problems in hotel photography. These elements can detract from the overall quality of the images and give a negative impression of the hotel's cleanliness. A professional retoucher can remove dirt and stains, making the hotel look spotless and welcoming. This is essential in creating an inviting and appealing atmosphere for potential guests.

In addition to fixing these specific problems, a skilled retoucher can also enhance the overall look of the images. This can include adjusting the lighting, color correction, and sharpening the images. A retoucher with experience in hotel photography will understand the importance of maintaining the hotel's true character and style while making the necessary improvements.

It's crucial to remember that professional retouching starts on location, not in photoshop. A skilled retoucher will work with the photographer to make sure that the images are captured in the best possible way. This could include adjusting the lighting, positioning the camera, and making sure that the background is clear and uncluttered. By starting on location, the retoucher can minimize the amount of work that needs to be done in photoshop and ensure that the final images accurately reflect the hotel's true beauty.

In conclusion, having the right retoucher for hotel photography imagery is essential. Hotel photography is an essential aspect of the hospitality industry, and high-quality images are critical in attracting potential guests. A skilled retoucher can fix specific problems that are unique to hotel photography and enhance the overall look of the images. By working with the photographer on location, the retoucher can ensure that the final images accurately reflect the hotel's true beauty.

If you're a hotel owner or manager, it's important to invest in high-quality hotel photography and retouching services. By doing so, you'll attract more potential guests and create a positive first impression of your hotel. Don't compromise on quality when it comes to your hotel photography. 

Professional Hotel Videography

Professional hotel videography is an increasingly popular way for hotels and resorts to showcase their properties and attract potential guests. A well-made video can capture the beauty and unique features of a property, providing a dynamic and engaging experience for viewers.

One of the key advantages of professional hotel videography is that it allows hotels to showcase their properties in a way that still photography simply cannot. A video can give viewers a sense of the atmosphere and ambiance of a property, as well as the layout and design of the guest rooms and common areas. This can help potential guests to get a feel for the property and decide if it is the right fit for them.

Another benefit of professional hotel videography is that it can be a highly effective marketing tool. In the age of social media and online travel booking, more and more people are turning to the internet to research and book their travel accommodations. A well-made video can be a powerful way to grab the attention of potential guests and convince them to book a stay at your property.

When it comes to creating professional hotel videography, there are a few key things to keep in mind. First and foremost, it is important to work with a skilled and experienced videographer who knows how to capture the unique features of your property in a visually appealing way. They should be able to use a variety of camera angles, lighting techniques, and other tools to create a video that is both beautiful and engaging.

In addition to the technical aspects of videography, it is also important to think about the content of the video. The video should showcase the key features and amenities of the property, such as the guest rooms, restaurants, and recreational facilities. It should also highlight the unique selling points of the property, such as its location, design, or service.

Finally, it is important to consider how the video will be used. It can be featured on the hotel's website, social media pages, and other marketing materials. It can also be shared with travel bloggers and influencers, who can help to promote the property to their followers.

Overall, professional hotel videography is a valuable tool for hotels and resorts looking to showcase their properties and attract potential guests. By working with a skilled videographer and creating engaging content, hotels can create a dynamic and compelling video that will help to drive bookings and boost their bottom line.

This is a sample of professional hotel photography. All shots were made in the Dominican Republic.

What is Hotel Photography

Hotel photography is a type of photography that focuses on capturing the features and amenities of a hotel or resort in order to promote the property and attract potential guests. Hotel photography typically involves taking photos of the exterior and interior of the property, as well as the guest rooms and common areas. These photos are often used in hotel marketing materials, such as websites, brochures, and social media posts. The goal of hotel photography is to showcase the property in the best possible light and create an appealing visual representation of what guests can expect when they visit. Hotel photographers often use specialized equipment, such as tilt-shift lenses and high-resolution cameras, to capture the full scope and beauty of the property. Tilt-shift lenses are a type of lens that are commonly used in photography and videography. These lenses are distinguished by their ability to adjust the angle of the lens plane in relation to the film or digital sensor plane, which allows for creative control over the image's appearance. Tilt-shift lenses are often used in architecture, product, and landscape photography, as well as in filmmaking. Hotel photographer use tilt-shift lenses to have more control of the vertical and horizontal lines on a certain space. In short, all vertical lines should be vertical and should not converge.

Below are some samples.

Nikon tilt-shift 19 mm lens
Nikon tilt-shift lens

Highlighting the Beauty and Luxury of Dominican Hotels through Professional Photography

The Dominican Republic is known for its stunning natural beauty, with its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and lush green forests. It is also home to some of the most luxurious and impressive hotels in the Caribbean.

Professional photography is the key to showcasing the beauty and luxury of Dominican hotels. High-quality images can capture the unique features and stunning architecture of these properties, giving potential guests a sense of what it would be like to stay in one of these hotels.

Professional photographers have the expertise and equipment necessary to capture the best possible images of Dominican hotels. They know how to use lighting and composition to highlight the features that make these hotels special, such as their expansive guest rooms, private pools, and breathtaking views.

In addition to capturing the exterior of these hotels, professional photographers can also capture images of the interior, showcasing the luxurious finishes and details that make these hotels truly unique. They can also capture images of the surrounding areas, highlighting the natural beauty and amenities that make the Dominican Republic such a desirable destination for travelers.

Investing in professional photography for your Dominican hotel is an investment in its success. High-quality images can help you attract potential guests, and can be used in your marketing and advertising efforts to showcase the beauty of your property.

Here are some samples.

Showcasing the Beauty of Dominican Luxury Homes through Professional Photography

The Dominican Republic is known for its stunning natural beauty, with its crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and lush green forests. It is also home to some of the most luxurious and impressive homes in the Caribbean.

Professional photography is the key to showcasing the beauty and luxury of Dominican homes. High-quality images can capture the unique features and stunning architecture of these properties, giving potential buyers and renters a sense of what it would be like to live in one of these homes.

Professional photographers have the expertise and equipment necessary to capture the best possible images of Dominican luxury homes. They know how to use lighting and composition to highlight the features that make these homes special, such as their expansive living spaces, private pools, and breathtaking views.

In addition to capturing the exterior of these homes, professional photographers can also capture images of the interior, showcasing the luxurious finishes and details that make these homes truly unique. They can also capture images of the surrounding areas, highlighting the natural beauty and amenities that make the Dominican Republic such a desirable place to live.

Investing in professional photography for your Dominican luxury home is an investment in its success. High-quality images can help you attract potential buyers and renters, and can be used in your marketing and advertising efforts to showcase the beauty of your property.

Professional photographers can help you capture stunning images that will make your property stand out and attract potential buyers and renters.

"Capturing the Beauty of Your Hotel: The Importance of Professional Hotel Photography"

As a hotel owner or manager, you know that first impressions are crucial. When potential guests are looking for a place to stay, they will often do some research online before making a decision. One of the first things they will see is the photos of your hotel.

High-quality, professional hotel photography is essential for showcasing the beauty and unique features of your property. It can make all the difference in attracting guests and convincing them to book a stay at your hotel.

Professional hotel photographers have the expertise and equipment necessary to capture the best possible images of your hotel. They know how to use lighting and composition to highlight the features that make your hotel stand out, such as its stunning architecture, luxurious guest rooms, and beautiful grounds.

In addition to showcasing the exterior and interior of your hotel, professional hotel photographers can also capture images of your amenities, such as your restaurant, spa, and fitness center. These images can give potential guests a sense of what it would be like to experience your hotel for themselves.

Investing in professional hotel photography is an investment in the success of your business. High-quality images of your hotel can help you stand out from the competition and attract more guests. They can also be used in your marketing and advertising efforts, giving potential guests a glimpse of the experience they can expect at your hotel.

So, if you want to showcase the beauty of your hotel and attract more guests, consider hiring a professional hotel photographer. They can help you capture stunning images that will make your hotel stand out and drive bookings.

Dominican Republic Hotel Photography

Caribbean islands are known for bright natural saturated colors and crystal clear waters. The Dominican Republic is the largest of the Caribbean Islands and it lives particularly from 2 main sources of revenue: tourism and customs.

With well over 80,000 hotel rooms as of 2022, the Dominican Republic has the highest number of rooms in the Caribbean. And, as far as I know, 200,000 more rooms are being approved or have already been approved for construction. Basically, hotels are here to stay for a long time God willing no more pandemics and less Sargazo!

I studied hotel management back in the late ’80s and early ’90s. I actually graduated in 1992 with a bachelor’s degree in hotel management. So I know a thing or two about the local Dominican hotel industry. One of the first things I noticed was the lack of professional hotel photography. I mean, Dominicans have the location, the service, the smiles, and the quality (I might add )in many hotels all over the island. But at that time photography was not as important as it is today. Nowadays people search first the web to find out about the hotel or resort they want to stay at. And the web is graphic, the web is imagery, and the web is also inferior without photography. Basically, the first thing a client sees of a place searched is a photo (most likely).

Dominican Republic hotel photography has to be shot (both exterior and interior) at the right time and with the right equipment. Phones will not get any close to today’s professional camera quality. There is no way around it, if you want professional results, hire a professional. If it is too expensive, imagine what a cheap photographer would be! That certainly will be expensive in the end (wasted money with no professional results). Also, remember that a professional hotel photographer will have a great retouching team working in the back. Post-production is extremely important, maybe so as the shoot itself. I once had a client with very dirty rugs in their meeting and conference areas and somehow my team clean them up 80%! Of course, you pay for what you get, but it is definitely worth it!

Hotel chains such as Barceló, Meliá, Iberostar, Princess, Hilton, Marriott, Aman, and many more are here to stay. Some have been here for over 30 years. With high-quality imagery, these hotels can have the look they deserve. Many know the importance of professional photography and are already having great results.

Since I am already living in the Dominican Republic and photographing hotels for a living, I am only an email away from having great hotel photography in the Dominican Republic.

#dominicanrepublichotelphotography #hotelphotographydominicanrepublic #hotelphotographydr #caribbeanhotelphotography

Live Aqua Punta Cana main pool area and building during sunset.

Live Aqua Punta Cana pool building at sunset.

Live Aqua Punta Cana lobby area.

Live Aqua Punta Cana main lobby/ bar area. I shot this at night so to have less people.

Lifestyle Los Corales Golf Course I shot for Grupo Puntacana during sunrise. Everything from the time, shadows, clothing, and talent’s poses was pre-programmed.

Worlds Best Hotel Photographers

I will attempt to put together an exercise with this article so to find the world’s best hotel photographers. Listed below are very important points which should lead you, in the end, to find the best hotel photographers.

Hotel photography is a sub-niche of photography as well as interiors, architecture, and real estate photography. With this, the photographer is showing spaces, designs, and structural concepts. Some use natural light with automated software and some (like me) make use of natural and artificial light to blend them together manually with an extraordinary professional outcome. So here is the first clue. Does this photographer use automated software in post-production? Photos from automated processes usually look muddy and lack contrast, volume, and detail. If so, this is a big no-no for hotel photography which must be done with real lighting knowledge and post-production.

I became a hotel photographer because I studied hotel management. This is what makes my work so unique from others hotel photographers. One thing is knowing to light up a space, another is to do that in addition to knowing the insides and outs of the hospitality industry. This can only be achieved if you’ve worked in the industry or if you have studied it. This is a very important point to keep in mind when searching for the best hotel photographers.

I have to state this so as to keep it on top of my mind and from this thinking move on to describing what exactly is a hotel photographer. Hotel photographers are usually hired by a hotel or hotel brand to photograph different spaces of a hotel such as lobbies, pools, bars, restaurants, beaches, meeting rooms, and the different types of rooms the hotel offers. This is all part of what a hotel photographer should photograph. So coordination and scheduling are also very important points that a hotel photographer should have. So keep in mind this also for your search.

Next, I will be the photographer’s website. If that photographer directs you to his Instagram or Facebook and does not have a website, that is another point to think about. If there is a website, look and see if it is organized. Is there only hotel pictures there? If the website has too many different types of photography, that certainly is a problem because it shows that it is not a specialized hotel photographer. Another point to keep in mind.

When contacting the photographer, how long does he/she take to answer? Does he/she have a professional-looking signature at the bottom of the email with all important information such as full name, phone, and website? Is there a logo? This is another thing to keep in mind for your search.

Also, see if this photographer has a professional email. If there is a Gmail at the end of its email, think twice about his/her professionalism.

Finally, try to find out what people think of this photographer. You can have the best photographer, but if the photographer is constantly problematic, that is another point to consider. People want to work with nice, educated, and punctual photographers.

In short, the best way to find the world’s best hotel photographers is to search not only by location but also with all of the hints and points stated above. If the photographer checks all of the above, you are good to go, even if the photographer is from out of town. Buying an airfare for a photographer that will deliver spectacular imagery that will be used for years to come does make sense.

Thiago da Cunha

Hotel Photographer

Finest resort bird’s eye view of one of the many pool areas with palm trees .

Two guests relaxing at one of the Live Aqua's pool area.

A top down aerial shot of two people relaxing and swimming on a Live Aqua Resort pool.

Live Aqua Punta Cana lobby area with a cascade with 2 staircases on both sides and 4 small palm trees in the middel.

Sunset shot of the main pool with wet bar and restaurant at the Live Aqua Punta Cana Resort.

A suite showing a sitting area with a bedroom with a view of the Caribbean sea.
A two bedroom suite with balcony facing the pool area and Macao Beach of the Dreams Macao Punta Cana Resort.

Branding for Hotels

The part of branding I work with is visual. I work with photos and videos for hotels in the Dominican Republic. Visual branding is necessary, and more so now with social media where we have "free" (to some extent) to advertise our business. And, if we want to pay for it, it is still (as of this publication) relatively cheap compared to traditional channels such as magazines, newspapers, and television. All of these are on social media equally but not the other way around.

Chaise lounge chairs in water at the Live Aqua Punta Cana Resort

Chaise lounge chairs mid pool during a sunny day at the Live Aqua Resort Punta Cana.

The hotel industry relies heavily on promotion and marketing. Social media offers the opportunity to approach your target audience with ease. This, consequently, leaves much more marketing money that was previously spent on other communication channels to invest in professional photography and video with good quality.

Cell phones, tablets, and laptops are so normal nowadays that it is logical to use them as marketing channels.

But before hotel marketing, there is branding. Hotel branding is who you are as a company. Hotel branding shows up in colors, logos, typography, etc. Hotel branding identifies the hotel.

Hotel brands give much importance to online branding now more than ever.

For this reason, and because it is a visual business scenario, professional photography and videography have climbed to a position never seen before. These two promotional juggernauts address a broad sector of hotel visual marketing.

Sunset at the main pool with lights at the Live Aqua Resort Punta Cana

Hotel photography and videography are discovering new habits in travelers. Letting this be known on social networks in 15 to 30 seconds and offering a visual impact is only for professionals. Telling a story in such a short time and capturing visual attention is fundamental for a professional hotel photographer.

In my hotel shoots and videos, I try to convey a message to the traveler. This message has to include part of the branding as well as contemporary visual techniques.

Attached are some visuals of such content.

Branding Para Hoteles República Dominicana

La parte del branding con la cual trabajo es la visual. Con las fotos y videos para hoteles en República Dominicana, el branding visual es necesario y más ahora con las redes sociales donde tenemos “gratis” (hasta cierto punto) hacer publicidad de nuestro negocio. Y si lo queremos pagar, como quiera sigue siendo (al día de esta publicación) relativamente barato en comparación con canales tradicionales como las revistas, periódicos y televisión. Todos estos están en las redes sociales por igual pero no al contrario.

Dreams Macao Beach Punta Cana

La industria hotelera depende enormemente en la promoción y marketing. Las redes sociales ofrecen la oportunidad de acercarse a su público “target” con facilidad. Esto, por consecuencia, deja mucho más dinero del marketing que antes estaba dirigido a otros canales de comunicación para invertir en la fotografía y video profesional con buena calidad.

Los celulares, tabletas y laptops son tan normales hoy en día que es lógico hacer uso de estos como canales de marketing.

Pero antes del mercadeo de un hotel, existe el branding. El branding hotelero es lo que eres como compañía. El branding hotelero se identifica en colores, logos, tipografía, etc. Básicamente, el branding de hoteles identifica la marca de este.

Es de conocimiento general que las marcas hoteleras dan mucha importancia al branding online ahora más que nunca.

Por tal razón, y por ser un escenario comercial visual, la fotografía y videografía profesional han escalado a una posición nunca antes visto. Estos dos monstruos de la promoción abordan un amplio sector del marketing visual hotelero.

La fotografía y videografía hotelera esta descubriendo nuevas costumbres en los viajantes. Dejarlas conocer en las redes sociales en 15 o 30 segundos y que den un impacto visual es sólo para profesionales. Contar algún tipo de historia en tan poco tiempo y captar la atención visual es fundamentalmente para un fotógrafo hotelero profesional.

En mis filmaciones y fotos de hoteles trato de transmitir un mensaje al viajante. Este mensaje tiene que incluir parte del branding de la marca al igual que técnicas visuales contemporáneas.

Anexo algunas visuales de tal contenido.